Debugging Clojure with trace and portal

Since I started with Debugging clojure, I have used to use prn to see results. I also used #dbg in calva, which looks like a traditional debug mode and good as well. However, I'd like to improve my debugging with REPL driven development and be more productive. I have searched for things and end up with finding nice combinations, trace + portal.


Understanding tap>


trace is written by hlship and a README contains motivations. I find it strong to leave trace codes in production because the debug is traced when the set-up is on. The other point is it let us know where it is traced. If you experienced with tap>, it's hard to trace a bunch of values in a tap.


[portal] is written by djblue. It connects to REPL and can navitate data. Obviously, it's related with UI stuff and navigation tool.

1. Using prn

Easy approach to debug.

(defn inspector
  (prn x)

(defn calls
  (inspector "called"))

(defn calls>
  (-> {:value 1}
      (update :value inc)
      (assoc :after true)))

(defn calls>>
  (->> (range 10)
       (map inc)
       (partition 2)))

  ;; "called"
  ;; {:value 2}
  ;; (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

2. Using tap>

tap> is always good enough but a little bit hard to label.

(def debug-atom (atom []))
(add-tap (fn [value] (swap! debug-atom #(conj % value))))

  (tap> 1)
  ;; [1]

  (tap> {:age  31
         :name "jungwoo"})
  ;; [1 {:age  31
         :name "jungwoo"}]

3. Using trace

This sample code is from here. I've forked this repo and changed just few line to make it easy threading macro.

(defn calls-trace
  (trace :msg "called"))

(defn calls-trace>
  (-> {:value 1}
      (update :value inc)
      (trace> :label :post-inc)
      (assoc :after true)))

(defn calls-trace>>
  (->> (range 10)
       (map inc)
       (trace>> :label :post-inc)
       (partition 2)))

;; no output
;; Reload this NS to test the remainder:
;;   {:in     my-only-trace/calls-trace
;;    :line   7
;;    :thread "nREPL-session-90a76836-b2ce-4d07-86db-23db11474218"
;;    :msg    "called"}
;;   {:in      my-only-trace/calls-trace>
;;    :line    13
;;    :thread  "nREPL-session-90a76836-b2ce-4d07-86db-23db11474218"
;;    :%value% {:value 2}
;;    :label   :post-inc}
;;   {:in      my-only-trace/calls-trace>>
;;    :line    20
;;    :thread  "nREPL-session-90a76836-b2ce-4d07-86db-23db11474218"
;;    :%value% (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
;;    :label   :post-inc}

4. Using trace + portal

As I mentioned, portal is the UI tool with add-tap so example code is basically same but we need to launch portal like below.

;; Reload this NS to test the remainder:
  (do (ns dev)
      (def portal ((requiring-resolve 'portal.api/open)
                   {:launcher                     :vs-code
                    :portal.launcher/window-Title (System/getProperty "user.dir")}))
      (add-tap (requiring-resolve 'portal.api/submit)))

I was on VS code so the new window is shown up! portal-img

What should I use?

It really depends on cases. I use all of those. This is an whole example code.

Discuss this post here.

Published: 2022-10-11

Tagged: Clojure
